Or the water in my basement.

As soon as I realized that there was water in our storage room, I began moving things around, pulling back carpet and setting up fans in an attempt to salvage the carpet as we have been successful in doing the previous eight times. At this point, rapid water removal is just as second-nature to me as brushing my teeth or making a hasty escape from the grocery store.
I called my Dad over to ask his opinion regarding the state of my downspouts, and if they were to blame for the excess water. In the process, he inquired about my sump pump, and if it had been working overtime to compensate for the heavy rain we'd received. Truth be told, I'd never heard the telltale hum of the sump pump. Never. Or in the words of Taylor Swift, "like, ever". I knew that the machine, which had been installed mere months before we moved in, was supposed to be a quiet machine, but I started to get suspicious.

Once every dense object from my past was removed and cluttering up the living room, we shoved the unit out of the way and got our first look at the suspicious pump, which was suspiciously not pumping water.
Let's review. The sump pump, our one line of defense from encroaching water, was not (and had never been) plugged in during the entire time we've inhabited this house.
I'm completely infuriated, and now I find myself examining every problem I encounter to see if I'm missing the obvious solution. When the power goes out in a storm, has someone accidentally turned out the lights? When Graham and Cael misbehave, is it because I never told them I prefer it when they follow directions? When I struggle to lose weight, is it simply because I'm eating the wrong foods and not exercising enough? Oh, wait...
No matter the answer to those questions, one thing is clear. No weather-related flood will plague my house again.
Like, ever.
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