By this time, you've probably heard the news that our third son was born
last week. But in case we aren't connected on social media, allow me to
introduce Adler James Foreman, our tiny little bundle! Adler was born
Saturday, May 24th at 10:36am, weighing 5lbs, 10oz and 19.3 inches long.
We're completely in love.
has already proved to be very different from his brothers. I hadn't
shared the details of my pregnancy on this blog, but from the very beginning there were complications. From a persistent spot appearing on his heart in
ultrasounds to the gestational diabetes that kept me from eating
anything good to soothe my nerves, I was already bundle of anxiety when
my ultrasounds began to show that his growth was restricted. Each time
he was measured, we noticed a four to five week discrepancy between his
actual age and his estimated size. For a few months, the doctors
assured me that unreliable ultrasounds were to blame, but when he dipped
below the 10th percentile at his 37 week growth scan, everyone agreed
that it was time to evict while he was still healthy enough to handle the induction.

No labor is "easy", so I'll skip the
details of how I endured three unsuccessful epidurals, or how Adler
developed a bizarre irregular heartbeat (that seems to have dissipated
after birth) or how the doctor was "off site" when I needed to push and,
instead, we will focus on this face.
I didn't get many photos of this
sweet face in the hospital, because his dramatic arrival kept Joel from
his photographer duties, and after his arrival we were preoccupied with a
rigorous feeding schedule due to his birth weight and low blood sugar.
Unfortunately, many of the hospital photos I did get showcase the
less-than-attractive feeding tube that was inserted on day two.
by Memorial Day, my tiny little love was doing well and ready to come
home. I've spent the last week in a nursing/diapering/NOT sleeping
stupor which has reminded me that I'm not twenty four anymore, but I am
grateful for every moment I get to spend with him. Even those that
smell like sour milk or are sound-tracked by late night infomercials.
Incidentally, I think I must have the Pocket Hose Ultra.

and Graham are adjusting well, and enjoying the prestige of being big
brothers together. I enjoy grossing them out with diaper disposal duty
and after being informed repeatedly that all of my boys are of equal
importance to me, they enjoy playing
"What's More Important" during
every free moment.
"What's more important, Mom? The baby, or the dog?"
"Well, Cael, Oscar is important to us and he is a member of the family, but Adler is a person, so he is more important."
"What's more important... me or the iPad?"
"You, of course."
Graham voted for the iPad.

thanks go out to everyone who stopped by to visit, bring meals or
flowers, send prayers during my labor or in the the sometimes scary
months that preceded it. We appreciate all of you and know that Adler
will love you just as much!