When I was pregnant for the first time, I compulsively Googled every
symptom I experienced, just to make sure what I was feeling was
normal. It usually was, of course, and despite the fact that Google
wasn't able to forewarn me of the whirlwind that would accompany that
future baby, I still returned to research each ache and flutter in my
One day, I stumbled across a forum on the "What to
Expect" website for women having babies in October of 2007, and I
quickly found myself getting acquainted with the women in my situation.
Over the next nine months, we compared notes, exchanged names and began
a tradition that would continue for years to come by confessing the
less-than-desirable behaviors we'd exhibited while pregnant.
I drank a soda today.
I caved and ate sushi.
I got freaked out and called my OB at home.
would occasionally revisit these confessions as the kids grew, and even
though our group is still thriving on Facebook, we haven't had a
confessional in a while.
Here's where you come in.
see, yesterday was a parenting low for me. I'm not sure if it was the
complete and utter destruction of my basement, Cael's mental
lapse and humor at peeing on the carpet in the house or the way Graham
looked at me and laughed when I literally started crying at what
they'd done while I cooked their lunch. At the end of the day, I think
I referred to my experience as "my most painful day as a parent since I
pushed a baby out".
I still stand by that comparison.
I think it's time I have another public confessional, because venting
is so much more socially acceptable than spiking my apple cider at ten in the morning
while I'm being paid to watch other people's children. And since I'm
not Catholic, what better way to cleanse my conscience than to air my
dirty laundry on the internet? Let's face it-- I live in Iowa. There's
not much chance for me being unwittingly chosen for a taxicab
confession. So here we go.
1. My kids watch too much TV.
really pretty good about limiting it in the morning and while I have
other children in my house. But by the time dinner rolls around and I
feel that my dwindling patience will cause me to rip my hair out with
metal tongs if I don't get a few minutes of silence, you can bet I'm all
too willing to switch on the television. Sometimes it's better that
way. My hair, the tongs, and the sanity of my offspring agree.
2. I love a 5-point harness.
are hard to contain. Kids are also hard to quiet down. Two noisy,
boisterous and difficult-to-contain boys are more than twice as
difficult to handle. So what is my favorite thing to do? Drive, baby.
Why can't a trip down the street to pick my son up from school take 50
minutes? They learn things along the way, so it is just as educational
as time spent at home. For example, they learn that the trains heading
east generally move faster than the trains heading west because they are
empty of coal. They also learn that when Mommy goes out without
makeup and contacts, she is seven times as likely to see someone on the
street that she knows. Lastly, they learn that it is okay to have an
obsession with 80's power ballads and that REO Speedwagon is so, like,
totally awesome.
Fifty minutes well spent, and no one peed on the
3. Yesterday, I snapped.
I really try
not to yell. Sure, sometimes I have to raise my voice to be heard above the
fray, but yesterday was different. Yesterday, when I pulled Cael and
Graham into their room, I unloaded a verbal diarrhea of complaints upon
them in language far above their level and in a volume that was totally
unnecessary because I'd hit my limit of patience and they were far from
reaching their limit of naughtiness. I've always felt that I could
command the same respect from my boys without raising my voice, but I
learned that when they choose to rip the paper-like outer layer from the
exposed sheet rock in their play closet, they are going to hear it from
me. And it might be loud.
4. I'm ready to close up the baby shop for good.
certainly nothing shocking about feeling that one's family is
complete. But that's the thing-- I'm not closing up shop because I
don't want more kids, or I don't feel that I was meant to have more
kids. I'm closing up shop because of the kids I have. If they were
more manageable, perhaps calmer, or if I had access to a limitless
supply of Ritalin and a less rigid conscience, I'd be trying for a
third. And I think it's against the Mommy Code to blame your parenting
shortcomings on the kids you do have. But I have to say, as much as I love them... I'm tired, I'm impatient, and I'm totally

So be gentle. I know I'm not confessing to any
great crimes here, but I am a mother and we all belong to the same
club. And while the initiation is killer, the benefits are amazing.
But more than anything else, we all want to be good. We want to know
that we are building our kids up instead of breaking them down. We want
to know that we will be remembered as kindly as we remember our own
mothers and we want to raise children that will grow up to respect and
love their families as fiercely as we strive to love our own.
sometimes our kids pee on the floor, and we just need to vent.
And in
the eternal words of REO Speedwagon, I can't fight this feeling
What do you need to confess? Here's your judgment-free zone to vent away. I'm not alone, right?